How large should photos be, and what resolution should photos have to be used as an image on exhibition walls, stands, counters, etc.?

Most counters, exhibition walls, booths and displays that we supply are provided with text, logo and one or more photos. A question we get asked very often is how photos should be delivered so that they can be printed beautifully and sharply on the system of your choice.

How large the supplied photo must be and how high the resolution must be mainly depends on how large the photo must ultimately be printed. The photo that is intended to be printed on a counter does not have to be supplied as large as, for example, a photo that is printed over the full width and height of an exhibition stand.

The final print size is therefore leading in the size of the photo. At this final size, the resolution of the photo should still be about 100 DPI (pixels per inch). Although this is not a law of the Medes and Persians, it is a good rule of thumb. In principle, when submitting photos; the bigger the better. It is always possible to reduce an original image, but it is not possible to enlarge it.

Do you have questions or are you unsure? Then give us a call and we can certainly help and advise you further.

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