Do I absolutely need spotlights and lighting on my exhibition wall, promotional set or mobile stand?

That's a question I get asked sometimes. Do I necessarily need lighting on my exhibition wall, stand or promotional kit?

Of course it sounds a bit suspicious when I, as a supplier, then say that lighting is really very important. But I am 100% convinced of that.

Look, one of the things you want to achieve with your exhibition wall or stand is to stand out. Attract attention. And it is precisely on these points that you score high with good lighting. Stands with too little lighting or exhibition walls with no lighting at all are less noticeable and often look a bit shabby.

So lighting. And as far as I'm concerned, even a lot of lighting. You rarely have too much lighting on your stand, exhibition wall or promotional set.

The current spots that we supply on our systems are almost always LED spots. These give off less heat, use less power and last a very long time.

In addition to exhibition walls and stands on which spotlights are mounted - and where the prints are therefore illuminated from the front - we also supply a number of LED exhibition walls and LED stands. The prints are displayed by means of built-in LEDs in the frames from the rear end illuminated, which gives a beautiful effect and is particularly striking.

Would you like to know more about how much and which type of lighting best suits your exhibition wall or exhibition stand? Contact us for tailor-made advice.

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